Saturday, 22 October 2011


SO I would like to apologize for the gap between posts, but would also like to say that I’m thinking this is about as frequently as I will be able to post. (Do you REALLY want to read more anyhow? The more frequently I write the less interesting the posts will be( nothing really crazy has happened these last two weeks, can you imagine this post stretched into TWO posts?))
First thing to talk about it the teaching I guess, it is what I’m here to do right? The class room is very different. I think that the teacher is much more respected and revered by students here. But I think I’ve missed my moment to establish fear. The class sizes average around 50 so trying to keep them all on task is proving difficult. I was really struggling with talking in class and a general disinterest in what I was teaching initially. But believe I am starting to make some progress. I have leaned pretty heavily on grammar so far. I think it’s easy to feel like we’ve made progress but also requires little creativity. Sad but honest confession…
I can’t say my social network has really expanded much. This is of course my fault. I come home at the end of the day and do some prep for the following classes, and by the time the day is done I just want to read a book and implode. I’ve never been an introverted person before, but I find myself retreating to solitude far too often. Perhaps a subject for prayer and encouragement. Funny stories are limited this week. I’m writing this in my bed which means several things, the bug net keeps all of the incredibly large grasshoppers out, we have power (my family tries very hard but we do spend the odd night without power due to difficulties with the generator. They bought a new one shortly after I arrived and it’s been a lot of effort for them (I have no small engine skills, no skills concerning any size of engine… I am man)). YUP bug story, spiders of death!! (Do I have your attention?) ps I’m totally exaggerating, I don’t think they’re lethal. They’re huge and the local teachers have told me that a bit will really hurt and flare up, but I think most people survive (like all). Trying to find the particular type. Look up golden orb spider and you’ll see a bunch of different types, there’s one kind I keep seeing that is TERRIFYING to look at. He hangs out at the school a lot and I’m hoping they all just die when the rain stops. Think I found the name “golden orb spider” or “Yellow Argiope”. It’s my closest effort. So my limited research would imply that they float like a monster but sting like a bee…
My audio jack has stopped working, so now if I want to watch a movie or listen to a show everyone can hear. My window is metal slabs and there are aaalways people out and about, and I feel guilty when I try to watch a show alone, it’s a way to recharge for me, but now I have to broadcast my entertainment. Probably will curb it a bit.
I’m thinking I’m going to get baptized here, there’s a three month course that I’ve heard is REALLY intense that I will have to work my way through. The people here really connect with the Old Testament; I think he lifestyle here really provides a better understanding of old testament and the motivations, and significance of events.So I think I’ll have my OT knowledge tested pretty savagely. But yah at the end of it they have this massive baptism with thousands of people in the river. Pretty excited about it!
More news to come. My power is almost gone and so is my internet so I’ll wrap this up by saying that I miss you all at home and if you want to send me any pics via mail or email that you think would make me smile I’d appreciate that. I tried cruising facebook to grab some pics but the internet is SOOOOO slow, I’ve given up on skype and trying to be more intentional about what I want to accomplish with my time online.
Thanks for reading and sending encouragment.MUCH love... Stay classy

1 comment:

  1. Another great post Jake.
    Sounds like its getting down to business.
    Miss you buddy!
    I'll send some pictures soon.
